5 Ways to Make your Health & Wellness Goals Realistic!

🦋Setting goals is a great way to build motivation when pursuing a healthier version of yourself. While they can provide focus & inspiration, all too often unrealistic goals hinder performance & may even have you losing motivation! I’ve narrowed it down to 5 simple ways to make your goals realistic so that you can turn them into success!

1. Don’t focus too much on weight
✨Weight can be so misleading sometimes & doesn’t always drop in a linear pattern as well as doesn’t consider body compositional changes such as muscle & fat! Focusing solely on weight may limit your full potential of what you can really achieve! Instead, you should monitor fat & muscle % (You can get an in body scan at most gyms!). Try setting non-weight related goals (ex: running your first 5k or increasing weights during your resistance workouts for a balanced approach!

2. Change things up!
✨Variety keeps meal plans enjoyable & satisfying. The bigger the variety of food, the greater the array of nutrients consumed. Plus, limiting variety in your diet, may also mean missing out on key nutrients for good health. In Japan, the gov’t recommends consuming 30 different foods a day. Count how many you’ve had today, you might be surprised! 😬

3. Know your WHY
✨Think about why you are going the extra mile to be the best fit, healthy version of yourself. This will help anchor you when times get tough & inspire you to keep pushing through!

4. Be positive!
✨Don’t just focus on what you need to cut out. Think about positive changes (ex: drinking more water, eating more veggies/fruit, trying new healthy recipes etc). This is how you can make your journey a lot more achievable & FUN.

5. Be patient!
✨Pursuing health & fitness goals TAKES TIME. Try making short term goals that have immediate rewards (ex: improved energy after your workout, improved skin/mood). Short term goals will help keep you motivated to reach those long term goals!

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